At Scope Now

Are you at the Shadow Scope right now? Here's how to use it!

To turn on the Shadow Scope (if it's not already), click the power button on the bottom!

bottom of shadow scope

It takes only about 30 sec. to start.

shadow scope front turned on

Now, you need to locate the sample holder to put your sample slide in:

shadow scope slide

Choose a slide, either already drawn on or a new, clear slide.

choose a slide

If you picked a clear slide, draw a micro-art on it!

draw a micro mural

To help you put micro-art in the sample holder you can use the tweezers provided.

place slide in sample holder

If you'd like, use the pipette to:
1. put pond/sample water into your sample holder with micro-art.
2. put pond/sample water into your sample holder without micro-art.

pipette water onto slide

Insert the sample holder into the Sample Holder slot on the Shadow Scope.

insert sample holder

Press the green button to get a video live stream and move the sample holder around to find something cool in the view window.

move sample holder

When you find something cool in the view, PRESS RECORD to take a 10 sec video!

press green RECORD button when you find something neat

Snap a pic of your Video ID so you can visit the website later and see it!

capture code

After you're done imaging, it's time for clean-up!

Simply remove the sample holder from the Shadow Scope.

Then, dump the water from the sample holder back into the original container. Be careful not to dump your micro-art too!

dump water out of sample holder

Use a Q-tip with tissue and using GENTLE pressure, wipe the sample holder reservoir. Be careful; the glass bottom is very thin and delicate.

use q-tip with tissue

Finally, do one last very light wipe down with the q-tip.

final q-tip wipe

Use the tweezers to take your micro-art and place it in the completed art clear plastic dish for the next person to check out.

place your mural

Don't forget to take your Video ID you captured and visit HERE to find your video later!